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5 ADHD Hacks

Stage of development

Beta Readers/Last edit


To give alternative strategies for writing longer projects

This project was born out of my experience of writing as a person with ADHD and also out of the experience of working with other neuro-divergent writers. Using some proven methods and some out of the box options, this book teaches how to work with the mind’s natural tendencies throughout the writing process.



The Amber Child

Stage of Development

1st draft / book 1 of 8


To create a book and possible TV series

Set in 1890’s Romania, amidst the end of the Austro-Hungarian empire, the story follows a magic family whose occult skills have earned them a place in high society. Reva has yet to show promise magically and she yearns for a normal life. But between her father’s abusive schemes and her husband’s parents, she won’t be able to enjoy much of what life brings her. Chosen by destiny to fulfill a prophecy, she is the last person that anyone suspects would be able to do so, which is why she will succeed.


Under Construction

What we’ve accomplished:



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Nulla tincidunt eu diam quis tincidunt. Etiam sed nulla sagittis, tristique urna id, porta erat. Vestibulum et erat vel libero ornare mattis. Vivamus elementum quis augue vel gravida. Nunc lorem magna, facilisis ut suscipit nec, iaculis nec nibh. Pellentesque leo arcu, fringilla ut pharetra at.



Cras malesuada vel turpis nec vehicula. Quisque quis neque vitae nulla lobortis aliquam in in turpis. Aliquam sed iaculis lorem. Quisque ac risus nulla. Nulla dictum velit nec nunc interdum varius. Phasellus vehicula sapien nulla, at interdum leo eleifend vitae. Mauris ullamcorper auctor laoreet. Ut varius libero ut sem ornare, id ultricies ipsum aliquet.